Always and Everywhere
I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised. (2 Samuel 22:4/Psalm 18:3)
We have come to bless Your Name
For You are worthy to be praised
Bid our anxious fears away
You are worthy to be praised
It is right to give you thanks
Our Salvation and our Strength
You are worthy, You are worthy to be praised
Always and everywhere
You are worthy, You are worthy to be praised
For the worlds that You have made
You are worthy to be praised
For the price the Savior paid
You are worthy to be praised
All the angels and the saints
Declare the glory of Your Name
You are worthy, You are worthy to be praised
To the Father, through the Son
In the Spirit, Three in One
Blessing, honor, fear and love
Be forever to our God
©2005 Abe & Liza Philip, CCLI# 7075039