Songs Alphabetically

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (In Every Thing Give Thanks)

1 Timothy 1:17 (Now Unto the King Eternal)

1 Timothy 3​:​16 (Great is the Mystery)

2 Corinthians 10:4-6 (Casting Down Imaginations)

All Creation Waits (Romans 8:18-25)

All Things (Romans 8:32)

Alleluia to the Father

Always Loved

Always and Everywhere

Amen and Amen (Psalm 41)

Angels and Archangels Sing

Arise My Soul

As Long As I Live (Psalm 104​:​31​-​35)

Because He Loves Me (Psalm 91 Trilogy)

Blessing and Praise (Psalm 113)

Christ Has Died, Christ Is Risen

Come Let Us Adore Him

Come Like the Rain

Deuteronomy 7:9 (Know Therefore)

Ephesians 4:32 (Be Ye Kind One to Another)

Every Breath I Breathe Belongs to You

Face to Face (new melody)

Faithful God to the Faithless (2 Timothy 2​:​13)

Fearful (Hebrews 10:30-39)

First Love (Psalm 39:4-8)

For Our God Spared Not the Angels

Forever (1 Thessalonians 4​:​13​-​18)

Freedom Is Slavery to Christ

From the East and the West (Psalm 107)

Glorious Things (Psalm 87:1-3)

Glory Be to the Living Father

Glory in the Highest

Go and Learn What This Means (Matthew 9​:​13)

God Almighty and Most Merciful

God Of All Comfort

God is Good

Godliness with Contentment (1 Timothy 6:6-8)


Grant Your Mercy Once Again

Great Is the Lord (Psalm 145)

Habakkuk 2:14 (For the Earth Shall Be Filled)

Hallelujah, What a Savior! (Man of Sorrows)

Have Mercy on Me (Psalm 51​:​1​-​2)

He is Risen Indeed (1 Corinthians 15)

He Tends His Flock (Isaiah 40​:​11)

He Who Dwells in the Shelter of the Most High (Psalm 91 Trilogy)

He is Alive

Holy Is The Lord (Rev 4:8)

Holy Spirit of God (Nicene Creed)

How Great

How Great is Your Kindness

How Long, O LORD (Psalm 13)

How Many Tears

I AM (The Seven I Am's from the Gospel of John)

I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel

I Am the LORD Your God (The First Commandment) Exodus 20​:​2​-​3

I Am The One Whom Jesus Loves

I Am the Good Shepherd (John 10​:​9​-​10​,​14​-​16)

I Am the Resurrection (John 11:25)

I Belong to Christ

I Call Upon the Lord (Psalm 18)

I Did Not Love You, But You Loved Me

I Have Been Baptized into Christ (Romans 6)

I Lay My Burdens Down

I Lay My Sins on Jesus

I Lift My Eyes to the Mountains (Psalm 121)

I Sought the Lord and He Heard Me (Psalm 34)

I Will Betroth You to Me (Hosea 2​:​19​-​20)

I Will Trust in You

Image of the Invisible God (You Are The First)

In Christ

In Every Language

In My Father's House

In Your Presence (Psalm 16​:​11)

In the Arms of Christ

In the Name of God Our Father

Isaiah 54:17 (No Weapon)

It is Finished

It is Good (Psalm 92:1-2)

Jesus (Behold the Lamb of God)

Jesus Ever Prays for Me

Jesus, I Come to You (new melody)

Jesus, Lover of Our Souls

Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness (new melody)

Joy Comes in the Morning (Psalm 30)

Jude Doxology (Jude 1​:​24​-​25)

Just To Behold His Face

King of Glory (Psalm 24:7-10)

Lead Me to Calvary

Let God Arise (Psalm 68)

Let Me Never Forget (Stronger Than Death)

Lift Your Hearts (Christ Has Won)

Long Road

Love Never Fails (1 Corinthians 13​:​4​-​8)

Luke 2:12-14 (Glory to God in the Highest)

Matthew 11:28 (I Will Give You Rest)

May Jesus Christ Be Praised

May the Lord Bless You (Benediction Song) Numbers 6​:​24​-​26

My Eyes Will Flow (Lamentations 3​:​25​-​26​,​48​-​50)

My Faith Has Found a Resting Place

My God Shall Supply All Your Needs (Philippians 4​:​19​-​20)

My Hope is Built on Nothing Less (new arrangement and chorus)

My Lord Was Crucified

My Savior Lives

My Savior's Love is Greater Still

No Other

O Dark and Wondrous Night

O Lord, our Lord, How Lovely You Are

O Teach My Heart to Love Your Word

On the Cross

One Day

One Thing I Ask (Psalm 27:4)

Open (This Is The Day)

Peace (John 14​:​27)

Praise Him in the Heights (Psalm 148)

Praise the Savior, You Who Know Him

Praise, My Soul, The King of Heaven

Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9)

Psalm One (Blessed Is the Man)

Psalm 16:8-9 (Always Before Me)

Psalm 23 (The Lord Is My Shepherd)

Psalm 117 (Praise the Lord, All You Nations​!​)

Psalm 131 (O Israel, Put Your Hope in the LORD)

Psalm 150 (Praise the Lord)

Put On the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 13​:​11​-​14)

Remember (Communion Song)

Return (Joel 2:12-13)

Revelation 21:4 (And God Shall Wipe Away All Tears)

Romans Doxology (Romans 11:33-36)

Search Me, O God (Psalm 139:23-24)

Sing to the Lord a New Song (Psalm 96)

Surely You've Borne our Griefs (Isaiah 53)

Teach Us to Number our Days (Psalm 90)

Ten Thousand Years from Now

The Ephesians Prayer

The Lord Is Near (Psalm 34​:​17​-​19)

The Lord is My Strength (Psalm 118)

There Is a Place

There is One Body (Ephesians 4:1-6)

This Is Eternal Life (John 17​:​3; 6​:​51 / Matthew 26​:​28 / 1 Corinthians 11​:​26)

This is How the Story Ends

Though a Thousand May Fall (Psalm 91 Trilogy)

Throned Upon the Awful Tree

Thy Mercy (Psalm 94:17-19)

Uncreated God (King of Love)

We Could Sing of You Father

What Love is This?

When I Am Weak Then I Am Strong (2 Corinthians 12​:​9​-​10)

When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (New Melody)

Where Can I Go (Psalm 139:7-10)

While We Were Yet Sinners (Communion Hymn) - Romans 5​:​8

Who Is Like Our God?

Worthy is the Lamb

Worthy of More (King of all Kings)

Yes, Lord (Isaiah 26:8-9)

You are Beautiful

You are Glorious

You are the One I Love

You Are Worthy

You Forgave Me (Psalm 32​:​1​,​2​,​5​,​7​,​11)

You Have Been Good

You Surrendered All

Zephaniah 3:17 (Zephaniah Song)