Below you'll find our songs listed in what we hope are helpful categories. Click on any song title to take you to the page where the song can be heard (you may need to scroll up or down to find it). Chord charts, lead sheets and orchestrations can be found on the "Worship Leaders" drop-down menu above as well as the song pages for "the WORD in the words." Please contact us anytime if we can be of help with charts, key transpositions or free mp3s for your worship team. We are here to serve you as you serve your church in worship of our great God! - Abe & Liza
For your convenience, the search box below will help you quickly find songs, lyrics, scripture references, chord charts, devotionals and other resources on SongsfromScripture.com:
A Congregational Song Before or After a Sermon
Songs for Communion/Lent/Good Friday (Songs of the Cross)
- My Lord Was Crucified
- On The Cross
- In the Arms of Christ
- When I Survey the Wondrous Cross (new melody)
- Throned Upon the Awful Tree
Songs for Advent/Christmas
Songs for Easter
Songs from the Psalms
Songs of God's Love
Songs of Grateful Praise
- May Jesus Christ Be Praised
- Who is Like Our God
- Worthy is the Lamb
- You are Worthy
- How Great
- You Have Been Good
Songs of Trust and Confidence in the Lord
- In Christ
- In the Arms of Christ
- When I Am Weak Then I Am Strong
- Arise, My Soul
- Open
- I Am Not Ashamed of the Gospel
- We Could Sing of You Father
- Yes, Lord
Songs of Repentance
A Song About Hell and Our Great Salvation
Songs of Heaven
Songs to our Triune God
Songs of the Life of Christ (His Birth, Life, Death and Resurrection)
A Song to God the Holy Spirit from the Nicene Creed and Scripture
Songs from the Epistles
- All Things
- Romans Doxology
- The Ephesians Prayer
- Fearful
- Godliness with Contentment
- When I Am Weak Then I Am Strong
Songs with Faster Tempos